Sunday, July 14, 2013

We are Moving to Belize! Now, for the FAQs

We are a family of four from Seattle Washington and are moving to Belize in August 2013. This is where we will write about our experiences and post photos and videos for our friends, families, and anyone else interested in following along. 

We've told many people about our impending departure and expatriate status, and after an initial burst of excitement, the questions begin! Here are answers to some of the most commonly encountered questions. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Why are you doing this? Why did you choose Belize in particular?
We are seeking adventure! We want to experience a different culture, live on an island in a tropical climate, see amazing wildlife, snorkel and sail in azure waters, and meet new people and make new friends. We are going to Belize in particular because it possesses all of these wonderful attributes, the people are friendly, it is a stable democratic country, it is relatively safe, and the time zone is only 1-2 hours ahead of Pacific time. 

Where exactly is Belize?
Belize is in Central America, south of Mexico and east of Guatemala, on the Caribbean Sea. 

How long will you be there?
We will be there about 10 months.

Where will you live?
We rented a house in the town of San Pedro on an island called Ambergris Caye. The island is located at the northern end of the barrier reef that runs the length of the country.

What will you DO there?
Matt will relocate his mapping business there and work with clients remotely. Amy will most likely volunteer at the Red Cross in San Pedro. 

Do you speak Spanish?
Not really, but we hope to learn! Fortunately, the official language of Belize is English (until 1981 Belize was known as British Honduras and was a British colony). However, Spanish is commonly spoken, as is creole and Garifuna in certain areas. 

Where will your kids go to school?
Our boys will be attending the Island Academy, a private secular school in San Pedro.

What will happen to your house?
We have rented our house for the duration of our stay to a wonderful couple relocating to Seattle. 

What will happen to your pets?

Fortunately, the renters are interested in getting chickens themselves (eventually), and agreed to look after ours as a sort of 'try before you buy.' Our cat will be staying with some extremely generous friends.

What will happen to your car? 
Gonna sell it!

What about health insurance?

We will carry catastrophic health insurance that (theoretically) will pay for medivac to the U.S. in the event of any serious medical issues, but otherwise, we will be participating in the Belizean health care system.


  1. I will follow your adventure with interest :)

  2. Replies
    1. Ironically, the capsha for that comment was "combacc 1805" which I totally read as "come back!"

    2. What a wonderful idea and challenge. We have looked at Belize too mostly for their banking and rates on money.
      Good luck to you both and we will keep up with you on your blog.

      Diane & Dick Mayfield (Catherine's Mom_)

  3. FYI the American Express Platinum card will medevac you first class anywhere! Maybe we'll come visit - I've been to Belize before. Its pretty nice!

  4. Awesome. Looking forward to the adventures.

  5. Hey Guys...I am absolutely loving this blog. Can't wait to see more after you move, even though I am enjoying reading about where you live right now.
    Be safe...we love you
    Uncle Jim and Aunt Janie

    1. Thanks Uncle Jim! Glad to hear you're enjoying the blog so far. :) All our love to you and Aunt Janie.
